Perceived Stress and Burnout among Nursing
Personnel Working in a Tertiary Care Hospital:
a Cross-sectional Study in Eastern India

Received: 3 Feb 2021| Revised: 16 April 2021 | Accepted: 9 Sept 2021

Vol 29, Issue-4, October-December 2021

Abstract Purpose: Perceived stress and burnout are by-products of physiological and psychological burdens among nursing personnel. Physical and psychological stress is a perennial issue among the health care providers, especially among nurses in the resource constrained settings. With this endeavor, we have tried to examine the burden of perceived stress and burnout among the nurses in tertiary care settings. Along with the burden, we have also looked at a few new set of potential determinants for the aforementioned outcomes. Methodology: An institution-based cross-sectional study was carried out to assess the level of perceived stress, burnout amongst the nursing personnel working at various levels, in a tertiary care Hospital, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. The total enumeration sampling technique was used along with pre-defined inclusion and exclusion criteria. After accounting for the pre-defined inclusion and exclusion criteria, we arrived at a sample size of 401 to be interviewed for the study. Cohen perceived stress scale and Maslach’s Burnout Inventory, were used for assessing the perceived stress and burnout, respectively. Download View

Keywords: Perceived Stress; Burnout; Tertiary Care; Cross-Sectional Study; Prevalence


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