Editorial , Sustainability – The Future of Survival


Vol 29, Issue-3, July-September, 2021

Abstract: We are living in an unequal world. This inequity is created partly by nature and partly by us. With the growth of civilizations, different nations have moved on the ladder at a different pace and it has resulted in unequal rights on both natural and man-made resources. A part of this inequity has come from the way the world is designed by nature. One cannot decide where to be born, which society, faith and religion to follow and the resources to have access to. This is given by nature. If you are born in a land locked nation in an arid zone of Africa, you are bound to be in extreme poverty. Of course, your desire to see the sunnier days in life, to overcome this poverty trap is through your education, migration and entrepreneurial efforts. Growth and modernization of civilization have led to the formation of greater human civilization over centuries but even this growth has brought further inequity in society. In the process of development and growth, nations have fought wars, made pacts and invested globally to have access to resources. Innovation in science and technology has built greater demand for these finite resources.Download View

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