Received: May 15, 2022 Review: September 8, 2022 Accepted: Nov. 28, 2022
Volume 30, Issue-5, October 2022
Purpose: The main objective of the study is to examine the impact of the equity listing process on the choice of earnings management practices among new issue firms.
Design/Methodology: The study has used a unique sample of new issue firms listed on Indian and Chinese stock markets during the period 2007-2019 and investigated whether the difference in the listing process of these two markets affects the choice of earnings management practices. To empirically test the models, the study has used the two-stage least square regression method (2SLS).
Findings: : The findings of the study show that the approval-based listing process in China motivates the new issue firms to substitute accruals with real earnings management. However, the registration-based listing process in India encourages the new issue firms to adopt both accrual and real earnings management practices as complements in their strategic decision-making
Originality: The present study contributes to the literature by examining how the difference in the listing process of a country affects managers’ choice of EM practices in new issue firms which have not been covered in earlier studies
Practical implications: The findings of the study provide insights to analysts, prospective investors, and regulators to correctly evaluate the new issue firms.
Keywords: Earnings management, initial public offering (IPO), accrual earnings management, real earnings management, emerging economies
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