Received: 10th March 2021 | Review: 23rd October 2021 | Accepted: 12th February 2022
Volume 30, Issue-3, April 2022
In order to distinguish their brand companies are trying to be more strategic and adding innovative features in their product offerings. But in today’s time product differentiation exclusively on basis of product attributes is not going to help companies in long run. Subsequently, marketers are inventing different communication strategies to help brands stand out (La Ferle et al., 2013). Cause related marketing has become a new buzz word in the world of marketing communication techniques.
Purpose: The main purpose of this paper is to find impact of Cause Related Marketing (CRM) campaigns on consumer attitude and further the study also provides an analysis of comparative impact of cause related marketing and sales promotion on consumer attitude.
Methodology: For the collection of primary data, structured questionnaires were distributed among respondents. A total of 300 respondents were initially contacted, out of which total of 270 responded back. The comparative analysis was done on the basis of Wilcoxon signed rank test.
Findings: The result of the study shows that the consumer has more positive attitude towards cause related marketing as compare to the sales promotion strategy.
Implications: From the analysis, it is observed that a company can gain more consumer attention if much emphasize can be given in designing cause related marketing strategy, this will provide an opportunity to company to become a socially responsible citizen.
Keywords: Cause Related Marketing, Sales Promotion, Social Responsibility,
Consumer Attitude
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