Volume 30, Issue-2, April 2022
Objective –The present study looked at the connections between dance festival travelers’ experiences, satisfaction, and behavioural intention on the basing of the model on experience economy by Pine and Gilmore and the existing literature. The research is on how escape tourist experience and tourist satisfaction mediated other aspects of experience on behavioral intention.
Methodology/Approach/Scope – The data was collected with the help of a structured questionnaire administered to 221 respondents in Konark Temple, Odisha, the venue of Konark Dance Festival 2022 held between 19th February to 23rd February 2022. The study employed confirmatory factor analysis and structural modelling techniques to evaluate the dimensions and test the hypotheses.
Findings – The findings backed up the anticipated theoretical linkages between the dimensions, as well as the application of the scales of experience economy to dance festival. The findings further support the idea that the escapist experience plays a role in influencing the tourist’s evaluations of dance festival performance and behavioural desire to attend the same in the future.
Implications & Conclusion – This study attempts to provide an initial path to view the escape experience of tourists as a sense of tourism sector accomplishments and the destination’s performance as a dimension. The model proposed in the study seems to be beneficial to festival management. Hence, the organisers of the dance festival are invigorated to improve upon and authenticate the model proposed by the researchers transversely to other festival settings.
Keywords: Experience Economy Model, Escapist Experience, Konark Dance Festival, Results & Discussion
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