A Study to Investigate Consumer’s Resonance Experience Effect and Engagement Behaviour on Travel Vlogs

Received: 05th Dec 2021 | Review: 20th Dec 2021 | Accepted: 10th Mar 2022


Volume 30, Issue-2, April 2022

– The data was collected via online mode with the help of a structured questionnaire administered to 300 respondents in the Bhubaneswar city, Odisha, who were avid and regular vlogs watchers actively engaged over a period of one year or so. The study used correlation and multiple & linear regression analyses to examine the variables and test the hypotheses.

Findings – The analysis revealed that out of seven variables (Cognitive: Information acquisition, source credibility & video clarity and Emotional: Entertainment, escapism, entertainment & self-congruence), six variables viz., Information Acquisition, source credibility, entertainment, self-congruence, inspiration and escapism impacted positively on Consumer engagement behaviours with source credibility as the most important predictor influencing travel intention.

Implications & Conclusion – There is a need for an emotional connection between the travel vloggers and the consumers with a high level of enthusiasm on the part of the vloggers. The management of hotel organisations and destination marketers have a crucial role to play as far as the promotion of their products is concerned about
providing incentives to the consumers to engage with travel vlogs.

Keywords: Cognitive Resonance, Emotional Resonance, Customer Engagement Behaviour, Travel Vlogs

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