Sustainability Emergence, Development, and Performance: Cases of Hybrid Chinese Organizations

Received: 4 July 2021 | Review: 10 October 2021 | Accepted: 5 December 2021

Volume 30, Issue-1, January 2022


Purpose: Recently, the concept of hybrid organizations has re-emerged. These companies specialize in tackling social or economic issues while pursuing business goals through incorporating both targets in their mission. China currently faces many social and environmental challenges such as an aging population, regional economic imbalances, and a social change development. Hence, after discussing the concept of hybrid organizations, our research article will analyze these issues.

Methodology: Two case studies have been conducted to provide practical insights in the operating models of hybrid organizations in China.

Findings: Hybrid organizations have found their place in China’s economy and have been able to benefit China economically. Through the examination of hybrid organizations in China, this research highlights the reasons behind the win-win partnership of hybrid organizations in the formal and informal sector in China.

Practical Implications: This article hopes to inform the viewers of the reasons behind the emergence of hybrid organizations and the incentives for these organizations to persist.

Originality: The study examines the sustainability emergence, development, and economic performance of hybrid organizations in China with the help of case studies. A deeper dive into the topic of hybrid organizations was examined by defining the definition, business model, types of hybrid organizations and their strengths and weaknesses.

Keywords: Hybrid organizations, Sustainability, China, Development Download View

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