Editorial – Can Circularity Solve the Problem?


Volume 30, Issue-1, January 2022

I ndustrialization arrived with its promise that any amount of mechanization leading to the adoption of new technology and mass production scale can solve any level of human malaise. However, over the decades, the world has become the dump yard of human greed. The Take- Make- Waste Model, promoted mainly by the developed, western world, has built global waste to such a level that the natural earth can no more absorb it by itself. Almost two centuries of mindless production have put pressure on the natural absorption process of wilful waste. This has led to higher carbon footprints, grievous environmental injury, and dangerous imperative due to climate change. The planet faces three crises of climate change, natural and biodiversity loss, and pollution and waste. What is driving these crises- is unsustainable consumption and production practices. The civilization is at a critical crossroad where the only solution seems to be a path of circularity and sustainability. Download View

References :

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