Received: 17 April 2021 |
Revised: 12 June 2021 |
Accepted: 4 Sept 2021
Vol 29, Issue-3, July-September, 2021
Abstract Studies time and again ascribe increased attrition in the nursing profession to poor organizational support and issues of work-life balance resulting in higher levels of job dissatisfaction among nurses. Considering this background, we conceptualized a model (POS-WLB-JS) anchored on organizational support theory and examined the mediating influence of work- life balance in the relationship of perceived organizational support and job satisfaction for female nurses in the Indian healthcare ecosystem. Methodology: Convenience sampling techniques were used to collect data from 250 female nurses from 40 hospitals in Mumbai. Hierarchical regression analysis techniques were used to test the hypotheses. In addition, Sobel test for indirect effects was used to assess the mediating influence of work -life balance in the conceptual model Download View
Keywords: Perceived Organizational Support, Work-life Balance, Job Satisfaction, Healthcare, Female Nurses.
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