Mounting concern for the environment and pressure from various stakeholders, particularly regulatory authorities, has led firms to adopt an ‘environmentcentric’ approach in their manufacturing and service operations. Academicians and researchers too have examined and reported positive outcomes of firms’ demonstration of green-focused activities in the form of improved market and financial performance. However, green marketing practices have largely been investigated for their impact and linkages in an independent manner, rather than in conjunction with the elements of customer-based brand equity (CBBE). The present work addresses this void in literature by empirically investigating the synthesis and association between green practices of the banking sector and the three components of CBBE i.e. quality, image and loyalty. Using a structured questionnaire, responses of 166 bank customers were analysed to test the hypothesized relationships of the proposed framework. The results establish a strong and positive impact of ‘policy-based’ green attributes of banks on all three constituents of brand equity. Based on the findings, the paper draws useful implications for the banking sector and outlines the scope for future research in this pertinent domain. Read more.