Received: 04th Dec 2021 | Review: 12th Feb 2022 | Accepted: 07th Mar 2022
Volume 30, Issue-2, April 2022
Purpose: The present paper endeavors to explore the three-pronged approach; to identify the local residents’ attitude, to investigate the local residents’ participation in planning and implementing the endogenous tourism development project, as well to investigate the influence of local residents’ participation upon perception caused by the socio-economical and cultural impact of endogenous tourism.
Methodology: This research study is explorative by nature adopting both descriptive and analytical methods. The research process involves the sampling technique. Field interview has been initiated to collect the data for the purposive sampling method. An open-ended questionnaire has been prepared for the random sampling to obtain the
data from the respondents.
Findings: The research study explores the impact of local residents’ participation in endogenous tourism development projects. For this reason, one way ANOVA has been conducted that reveal a value of less than 0.05 which signifies local residents’ participation impacts on the tourism planning and implementation.
Practical Implications: The participation has increased the positive attitude among the residents resulting in the sustainable approach towards endogenous tourism development. Local residents’ participation in the implementation of endogenous tourism projects has enhanced their quality of life in terms of socio-economic and cultural development.
Originality: The primary purpose of the endogenous tourism project in Pipli and Raghurajpur village of Odisha is the inclusive development through active resident participation and involvement. Endogenous tourism development project has also intensified the infrastructure development of the region, hence tourism policymakers and planners should think of deriving the maximum benefits by encouraging residents to a greater extent.
Keywords: Endogenous tourism, Participation, Residents, Development, Impact
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