Relationship between Brand Value and Brand Loyalty: An empirical study of consumer products


Brand building is seen as an important activity by consumer marketing companies and substantial budgets are assigned to this activity. There are several conceptualisations of brand equity. Several of these are directed towards creating a favourable customer mind-set. Customer mind-set is an umbrella construct comprising of awareness, image, attitude, emotional connect, differentiation, comprehension and strong, favourable and unique associations with the brand.

Brand building also involves building associations with entities which are well liked and respected by consumers. Marketing companies are now holding marketers accountable for investments made in brand building. A review of extant literature confirms this trend. Several contemporary research studies have examined relationships between input variables and customer loyalty. This study aims to strengthen the understanding of antecedents of customer loyalty. It examines the relationship between a widely used model of building brand equity – Young and Rubicam’s
Brand Asset Valuator model, and customer loyalty as conceptualised by Kevin Lane Keller. The findings have important implications for the marketer and the organisation as a whole.

Keywords: Brand Value, Brand Loyalty, Brand Stature, Brand Vitality