Understanding Customer Orientation of Delhi Metro’s Service personnel and its impact on Customer Satisfaction: An Empirical Investigation


Govind Nath Srivastava


Services are people centric, humanistic and subjective, and the outcome of the service experience mainly depends on the quality of inter-personal interactions between service contact personnel and customers. Customer orientation is one of the most important determinants of success of a service organization as customers form their perceptions about service quality based interactions with service personnel. Employee-driven services are one of the significant dimensions of services of Delhi Metro; it requires the human touch, adaptability and prompt action to make the service experience upbeat and enduring for the customers. Due to involvement of heterogeneity and a
high degree of interactions involved in the service delivery, it has become imperative to analyze customer orientation and effects of employee-driven services on commuter satisfaction. This paper investigates behavioural responses of employees of Delhi Metro and assesses the impact of employee-driven services over customer satisfaction. In the present study, 1,015 samples were taken from all the 160 metro stations and statistical tools such as correlation and multivariate regression analysis were administered to analyze the result. The study reveals that reliability has the most significant impact over customer satisfaction and customers value empathy shown by the employees while addressing their problems.

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