Editorial August-September 2015 Issue By Gurumurthy Kalyanaram

Welcome to the August-September 2015 issue of the Journal. In this issue of the Journal, we present three research manuscripts and two reprints from earlier issues of this Journal.

The first reprint is a research article from our OctoberNovember 2013 issue of the Journal. In the context of the current focus on innovation and value addition, we decided to present to our readers this manuscript which was published in this Journal almost two years back. This article is highly informative, and managerially relevant. Further, this article illustrates the thought leadership of NMIMS Management Review.

The second reprint is a composition of editorials published by me. Through the editorials presented in this Journal, we addressed and discussed the current challenges facing China and the global economy as early as in 2012. We have discussed the specific macroeconomic issues, elements of good governance and paradoxical matters of globalization. In the context of the current volatile global dynamics, we decided to present to our readers what this Journal – through its editorials – argued and discussed. These editorials are informative and instructive, as well as they inform us that NMIMS Management Review is a thought leader. Please note that the editorials and articles have not b e e n u p d a t e d i n a ny ma n n e r t o u p d a t e retrospectively, because that would nullify the purpose of the article.

Scorecard for Higher Educational Institutions

Here is a wonderful initiative in higher education by the United States government, and this initiative is possibly worthy of emulation in India. All the 7,000 institutions of higher education in United States have been assigned a scorecard by the US Government, and provides very useful information to prospective students and their parents about annual costs, graduation rates and salaries after graduation. The website will allow students and parents to compare schools based on important metrics. Unveiling the informational portal, President Obama observed: “Americans will now have access to reliable data on every institution of higher education.”

Here’s how it works: You can type in the name of a college in the following site, and the site will give you lots of useful data such as: average annual cost, graduation rate, how much students earn 10 years after entering a school (thanks to a joint effort between the departments of Education and the Treasury — data coming from IRS), the percentage of first-generation students at a given school and the percentage of students who repay at least a dollar of principal on their federal loans within three years. https://collegescorecard.ed.gov/

My Editorial Leadership, and a Note of Appreciation

I have been the editor of the Journal for almost three years, April 2012 – September 2015. In this time period, we have produced 9 exceptionally high-quality issues with contributions from well-known scholars all th over the world. And we are now presenting this 10 issue.

Thank you for your readership, suggestions and support. We have had well-reputed scholars and practitioners serve as reviewers and on our editorial board. We thank these scholars and practitioners.

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