The Relationship among Transformational Leadership, Employee Engagement and Commitment

Received: January 2, 2022 Review: August 12, 2022 Accepted: Nov. 5, 2022

Volume 30, Issue-5, October 2022


Purpose:  An engaged employee contributes significantly to the organization. He is an excellent mean to achieve competitiveness and effectiveness. Still the conclusive research with regard to employee’s engagement, its antecedents and consequences are limited. Keeping this in mind, the present study attempts to provide insights into the interplay among leadership, engagement and commitment by investigating the mediating role of employee engagement.

Methodology: The data was collected using convenience-based sample method. A total of 450 filled questionnaires from managers and officers of commercial banks were found suitable for the analysis. Model 4 in PROCESS macro (Hayes, 2013) was applied.

Findings: : It was found that transformational leadership exerted a significant impact on both commitment and employee engagement. Further, employee engagement partially mediated transformational leadership-organizational commitment relation. The results revealed that transformational leadership style is crucial in predicting positive work related aspects such as organizational commitment and engagement.

Practical Implications: Employee engagement is a positive behavioral attitude that is vital for the success of any organization. It is believed that engagement and commitment can potentially translate into valuable business results for an organization. Since Leaders have a greatest influence on the subordinates especially in high power distance country like India. Hence, they can significantly foster engagement and commitment among employees. Therefore, the present study is of great importance to the organization.

Value: The present study talks about engagement and its association with other constructs in a non-western culture, that is, India where it severely lacks the theoretical and empirical presence. It addresses the mediating effect of employee engagement on transformational leadership and organizational commitment which is overlooked before.

Keywords: Employee Engagement (ENGT), Transformational Leadership (TRFLDR), Organizational Commitment (COMT), Mediation, Social Exchange Theory (SET)

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