“Engagement with social media, self-obsessive presentation on the web and interrelated self-esteem-A study related to urban lifestyle”

Received: Sept. 15, 2021 Review: March 15, 2022 Accepted: April 15, 2022


Volume 30, Issue-5,  October 2022


Purpose: The article examines how the new urban social classes are somewhat trapped into their insatiable appetite to experience happiness by overconsumption, social networking and ultimately ending up accumulating more stress.

Methodology: We are following descriptive research design in this study as it describes the characteristics of individuals. This study estimates centrally the percentage of responses of a specified sample population exhibiting a certain behavior. Two structured questionnaires are used to conduct two online surveys and with the help of those questionnaire,respondents are asked to express their opinions freely regarding their purchasing pattern, engagement with social media and their way of self-presentation. A total sample size of 87 is considered within the specified sample, 61 respondents are young adults and 13 are matured young adults, 12 are middle-aged and only one elderly respondent is interviewed to record their responses. For this research statistical software, SPSS is used for analyzing the collected data deliberately for accurate results and methodological findings.


Finding and conclusion: The main aim of the paper is to investigate demographic, personality and individual differences are impactful to the addictive use of social media and self-presentation. The study reveals the results are consistent with previous researches and hypothesis formed with the results showing that the demographic parameters like age, gender, income, occupation are significantly contributed to narcissism and self-esteem with addictive use of social media.

Implication of study Engagement with social media and portraying a beautified pictureperfect life can provide a feel-good factor and actually act as a stress-buster in daily chores of life? Or this over engagement in the virtual world gradually pushing them to the corners of much-increasing loneliness, stress and depression. This present paper shall try to introspect and explore the various facets of engagement in social media in the context of the major cities of India and its impact on the individual’s everyday life.

Keywords: Self-obsessive presentation online, Addictive use of social media, selfesteem, Social media narcissism

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