Development and Validation of Interpersonal Relationship Measurement Scale at Workplace

Received: 17th August 2021 | Review: 12th April 2022 | Accepted: 1st September 2022

Volume 30, Issue-4, July 2022


Purpose– The paper aims to develop and validate a scale measuring interpersonal relationships among employees of an organization, notably the service sector.

Design/methodology/approach– A sample of 250 employees in the first stage and 421 employees in the second stage were selected and purposive sampling was employed to validate the scale. The scale was refined using exploratory factor analysis in the first stage and in the second stage, it was refined through measurement model evaluation in PLS-SEM.

Findings– The results reveal that the scale cleared all the psychometric properties required for confirming the application of the tool at second order in a remarkable manner, where Cronbach’s alpha value of the scale was 0.934 and composite reliability ranged between 0.893 to 0.937.

Practical implications– Current literature is flooded with articles describing marital relations, social relations in general and the relationship between leader and member in an organization, but the relationship between employees within an organization has received scanty attention and particularly in the service sector.

Originality/value– Current research contributes in a theoretical and practical manner in understanding interpersonal relationships and some of its attributes. It mainly contributes to developing and validating the scale at second order in the service sector, which evaluates interpersonal regard, mutual acceptance and upliftment, mutual trust and workplace harmony.

Key Words:-Interpersonal Relationship, Scale Development, Scale Validation, Measurement Scale, Exploratory Factor Analysis, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, PLS-SEM

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