In-Store Technology for Store Positioning and Store Loyalty

Received: 5th March 2021 | Review: 17th August 2021 | Accepted: 13th Nov. 2021

Volume 30, Issue-1, January 2022

Purpose: Store positioning via technology and retail image are the factors that influence store loyalty and the success of the retail. The objective of this study is to assess the relation between positioning via in-store technology, store image and store loyalty in Indian retail fashion outlets. Furthermore the mediation affect of store image on the in-store technology and store loyalty relationship is analyzed.

Design/Methodology/Approach: On a sample of 284 customers, structural equation modelling via Amos has been employed to test the proposed hypotheses. Convenience sampling has been used for data collection.

Findings: The results reveal that the in-store technology positively influences store image which further positively impacts customer loyalty towards the store. Finally store image partially mediates the relationship between in-store technology and store image.

Originality: The study has empirically tested the relation and provided evidence that in store technology is an important dimension, which shoppers consider to position stores in their minds.

Key words: In-store retail technology, Positioning, Store image, Store loyalty Download View

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