A version of this article appeared in Wilson Quarterly in Spring 2016.
Please see the following link: https://wilsonquarterly.com/quarterly/the-post-obama-world/why-the-rise-ofsouth-asia-should-interest-the-u-s/
Editorial from Dr. Gurumurthy Kalyanaram A salient, but somewhat overlooked, element of the Obama presidency is the rise of new strategic opportunities for the United States in South Asia and its neighborhood, through the revival and strengthening of democratic governments in large parts of this region. While these new opportunities have certainly risen due to many factors– some factors that have been in play for long time – Obama deserves at least some credit for many of these outcomes, even if the only action was a carefully calibrated inaction on Obama’s part.
Here are the three developments in the last few years that have pushed back China in South Asia and the neighborhood: a dramatically new democratic order in Myanmar; a fresh beginning in Indonesia; and turn-over to a more responsive leadership in Sri Lanka. Add to these, a relatively peaceful democratic transition in Pakistan and continued consolidation and advancement of institutions in India. The only two instances for disappointment are developments in Bangladesh and Nepal.